Data Center Solutions

Data Center Solutions

The data center industry continues to see explosive growth, driven by an increase in overall Internet traffic and businesses that are increasingly migrating their internal IT systems to third party data center providers. One key reason for this shift toward outsourcing is that businesses are adapting their IT strategies to take advantage of new technologies (the Cloud) while protecting maximum flexibility to adjust vendors or technologies over time. This concept of IT future-proofing has become a hot topic amongst CIOs, many of whom agree that flexibility, scalability, choice of network providers, choice of cloud providers and geographic reach are keys to success in today’s environment.

Data Center Networking has come a long way from a mere buzz word to a support center of the IT architecture, from which all content is sourced or passed through. Proper planning of the data center infrastructure design is critical, considering the performance, resiliency, and scalability. Data Center Optimization is the ability to use SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) and Networking Function Virtualization (NFV), Cloud, virtualization and enhancing networks to improve application performance by detecting and taking into account affinities, orchestrating workloads with networking configuration. Another important aspect of the data center is designing a flexible architecture that has the ability to support new applications in a short time-- frame. Such a design requires solid initial planning and thoughtful consideration in the areas of port density, access layer uplink bandwidth, true server capacity, and oversubscription, to name a few.

Key Areas of Data Center Solutions

  • Server
  • Storage
  • Virtualization
  • Switches
  • Routers
  • Backup
  • Rack & Power Solutions

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